
Potty Doorbell : Teach Your Dog in a Quick Two-Week Period

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    A potty doorbell is essentially a bell placed near your entrance that your dog can ring to indicate her need to go potty. No matter your level of experience in dog training, you can successfully teach your dog to use a potty bell within a fortnight.


    “The signal”

    “Max,” a young 9-month-old Golden Retriever, had his unique way of indicating his need to use the potty, just like every other dog.

    Regrettably, while some dogs may bark or whine, others might pace or sniff around; some head straight to the door while others may walk in hopeful circles, Max’s only form of communication was The Signal.

    Golden Retriever

    “The Signal” involved a quick, subtle look towards the door, combined with a gentle tilt of his head. Adorable, indeed, but also incredibly easy to overlook: and we’re all aware of the consequences when we fail to notice our dogs’ cues!


    How to train?

    Struggling to discern when your dog needs to go outside? Don’t fret. You can easily teach her to signal using a dog doorbell in just a fortnight. Here’s the method:

    • Acquire a bell. (Opt for something resonant – a cowbell or sleigh bell works better than a soft wind chime.)
    • Attach the bell to the door leading to your dog’s outdoor bathroom area using a ribbon. Position it so it hangs at or just beneath your dog’s nose level.
    • Whenever it’s time for an outdoor trip, sway the bell to lightly brush against your dog’s muzzle.
    • Immediately offer praise and open the door.
    • Repeat steps 3 and 4 each time you take your dog out for a week.
    • Let the bell hover near your dog’s nose starting the eighth day without swaying. If she nudges the bell with her muzzle, move to the next step. If not, continue steps 3 and 4 for another day or two, then reattempt.
    • Progressively reduce your assistance with the bell. By day 14, your dog should be able to ring the bell independently when she wants to go outside.

    dog potty doorbell


    Useful guidance

    During training, if your dog happens to ring the bell while you’re not immediately beside her, it’s critical to promptly pause your current task, offer her praise, and open the door—even if you’re convinced she doesn’t need to pee outside. The bell’s sound must consistently result in the door opening.

    Ensure that the door opens only when the bell is rung…regardless of who is exiting. Consistency is the cornerstone of success here.

    Dogs typically form a rapid connection between the bell’s ring and the door’s opening. Once this link is established, most dogs turn into proficient bell users.

    It’s important to remember that patience is key, and learning is more effective when it’s enjoyable for the “learner.” Shower your dog with verbal accolades whenever she rings the bell, even if it seems like an accidental ring!

    reward a dog with a kiss


    Summing up

    In just two weeks, your dog can transform from a silent signaler to a potty doorbell maestro! Remember, the key to success lies in patience, consistency, and a bit of humor.

    Whether it’s a subtle nudge with their nose or a full-on bell concert, every ring is a step closer to mastering this nifty skill.

    So, grab that bell, hang it up, and get ready for some ring-a-ding fun. Before you know it, your dog will be the one reminding you it’s time for a bathroom break – with a jingle!



    FAQ 1: How do I choose the right bell for my dog’s potty doorbell training?

    Choose a bell with a clear, audible ring that’s neither too soft nor too loud. It should be sturdy enough to withstand frequent use. A cowbell or sleigh bell usually works well due to its resonant tones.

    FAQ 2: Can potty bell training work for older dogs or just puppies?

    Pottybell training can be effective for dogs of all ages. While younger dogs may learn quickly, older dogs can also be trained with patience and consistency.

    FAQ 3: What should I do if my dog is scared of the bell at first?

    If your dog is initially afraid of the bell, start by letting them observe the bell from a distance. Gradually bring it closer over time and reward them for showing curiosity or calm behavior near the bell.

    FAQ 4: How do I prevent my dog from ringing the bell for attention or play instead of potty needs?

    Initially, it’s important to respond to every bell ring to establish the habit. Once the behavior is learned, watch for signs that differentiate potty needs from seeking attention, like body language or the urgency of the bell ringing.

    FAQ 5: What if I live in an apartment without direct access to an outdoor area for my dog?

    For apartment dwellers, you can modify the training to lead your dog to the designated indoor potty area or litter box instead of the outdoor area. The key is consistency in leading them to the correct spot each time they ring the bell.



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